Fly Me To The Moon Lead Sheet Pdf
J œœœœ c 7 w f maj œ. J œœœœ a 7 œ d md 7 j œ œ j œ gm œœ c 7 w faj.
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Fly me to the moon lead sheet pdf. I appreciate you website and not have to pay for music. Since then it has become a frequently recorded jazz standard often featured in popular culture. Fly me to the moon 2 3 am7 bm7 c13 c0 dm11 em11 f7.
Free sheet music for voice. Join our community just now to flow with the file fly me to the moon lead sheet and make our shared file collection even more complete and exciting. Let me know what spring is like on ju pi ter and mars.
C min number of pages sheet music pdf. Here you can download file fly me to the moon lead sheet. J œœœœ bb j œœœœ e ø b 7 œ.
Print and download in pdf or midi fly me to the moon. Print and download in pdf or midi fly me to the moon bart howard. 2shared gives you an excellent opportunity to store your files here and share them with others.
Fly me to the moon. We entertain at assisted living nursing homes hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Swing transcription for piano solo.
Fly me to the moon lead sheet free download as pdf file pdf text file txt or read online for free. 4 and lyrics song fly me to the moon sheet music pdf frank sinatra free download. Fly me to the moon sheet music frank sinatra fly me to the moon sheet music pdf frank sinatra free download fly me to the moon sheet music pdf frank sinatra for piano sheet music scoring piano vocal guitar original key.
J œœœœ dm7 j œœœœ gm7 œ. Kaye ballard made the first recording of the song in 1954. Easy read notation 1990 visions 945 fly me to the moon 4 4 1 2 f gm7 c7 f bb em7 a7 dm d7 gm7 c7 fmaj9 gm7 c7 bb6 f em7 gm7 c7 f f7 bb6 c7 f fly me to the moon and let me play a mong the stars.
I lead a group of 25 singers. Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ev er more. œ am7d j œœjœ.
Fly me to the moon music sheet free download as pdf file pdf or read online for free. Fly me to the moon originally titled in other words is a song written in 1954 by bart howard.
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